GB/T 42086.3-2024

液压传动连接 法兰连接 第3部分:42 MPa、DN25~DN80方形系列

Connections for hydraulic fluid power—Flange connections—Part 3: Square series of 42 MPa,DN25~DN80

GB/T 14034.3-2024

液压传动连接 金属管接头 第3部分:端面密封

Connections for hydraulic fluid power—Metallic tube connections—Part 3:Face seal

GB/Z 44071-2024

液压传动连接 软管总成操作规程

Connections for hydraulic fluid power—Practices for hydraulic hose assemblies

German-Chinese Standardization Cooperation Commission

Standardization Commission

The German-Chinese Joint Committee of Industry and Trade is the most important coordinating body of the German Ministry of Economics and China's Ministry of Commerce. The Committee's main objective is to promote trade between the two nations, intensify their investment relations and strengthen technology transfer between the partners. Several working groups have been set up to address specific issues in greater detail. The group responsible for the technical rules sector is the German-Chinese Standardization Cooperation Commission. more