- 2019-05-24 ISO/TS 19807-2 "Nanotechnologies -- Magnetic nanomaterials -- Part 2: Specification of characteristics and measurements for nanostructured superparamagnetic beads for nucleic acid extraction"
- 2018-09-07 Cooperation, the key to the future
- 2016-11-15 Sino-German City-to-City Standardization Cooperation Seminar
- BAM - Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
- DIN Media - DIN Media GmbH
- BMWK - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
- DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung
- PTB - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
About the Standardization Cooperation Commission
The German-Chinese Joint Committee of Industry and Trade was founded in 1979 and is referred to as a "joint" committee because its regular participants include representatives not only from the two governments but also from both national industries (associations as well as individual companies). Under the leadership of the respective ministers, the Committee meets every year, alternating between venues in Germany and China, and is the most important coordinating body of the German Ministry of Economics and China's Ministry of Commerce. The Committee's main objective is to promote trade between the two nations, intensify their investment relations and strengthen technology transfer between the partners. Several working groups have been set up to address specific issues in greater detail, such as trade, investments, legal issues, coal, trade statistics and standardisation.
The Working Group Standardisation met alternately in Germany and China since 2006. In recognition of its successful endeavours to achieve greater mutual understanding in the field of standards, the status of the Working Group was enhanced to that of German-Chinese Standardization Cooperation Commission on the occasion of the intergovernmental discussions held in Berlin in June 2011.
The aim of the Standardization Cooperation Commission remains the same, namely to expand German-Chinese cooperation in standardization, facilitate bilateral trade, and remove existing barriers to trade. The searchable subsections of the site focus on areas for which an urgent need for standardization has been identified.