
Number of entries (Data is updated on a monthly basis): 44717
Weiter Weiter| 44561 - 44570 | 44571 - 44580|44581 - 44590 |Weiter Weiter

GB/T 2030-2008


Bronze suction valve for seaward sluice

GB/T 7707-2008


The intaglio prints for decorating

GB/T 22195-2008

船舶电气设备 设备 低压开关设备和控制设备组合装置

Electrical installations in ships - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies

GB/T 18654.9-2008

养殖鱼类种质检验 第9部分: 含肉率测定

Inspection of germplasm for cultured fishes - Part 9: Determination of flesh percentage

GB/T 14216-2008

塑料 膜和片润湿张力的测定

Plastics - Film and sheeting - Determination of wetting tension

GB/T 22067-2008

实验室玻璃仪器 广口烧瓶

Laboratory glassware - Wide necked boiling flasks

GB/T 4217-2008

流体输送用热塑性塑料管材 公称外径和公称压力

Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids - Nominal outside diameters and nominal pressures

GB/T 14213-2008


The initial graphics exchange specification(IGES)

GB/T 22357-2008

土方机械 机械挖掘机 术语

Earth-moving machinery - Cable excavators - Terminology

GB/T 1034-2008

塑料 吸水性的测定

Plastics - Determination of water absorption

Number of entries (Data is updated on a monthly basis): 44717
Weiter Weiter| 44561 - 44570 | 44571 - 44580|44581 - 44590 |Weiter Weiter