
Number of entries (Data is updated on a monthly basis): 44717
Weiter Weiter| 44511 - 44520 | 44521 - 44530|44531 - 44540 |Weiter Weiter

GB/T 15515-2008


Specifications of optical power meter

GB/T 15409-2008


Frame structure for synchronous digital hierarchy signal

GB/T 9091-2008


Inductive voltage dividers

GB/T 13978-2008


Digital multimeters

GB 15146.1-2008

反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全 第1部分:核临界安全行政管理规定

Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors - Part 1: Administrative practices for nuclear criticality safety

GB/T 4632-2008


Determination of moisture-holding capacity of coal

GB/T 1094.5-2008

电力变压器 第5部分:承受短路的能力

Power transformers - Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit

GB/T 14271-2008

毛绒净毛率试验方法 油压法

Test method for the determination of scoured yield raw wool - Oil pressure method

GB/T 1149.9-2008

内燃机 活塞环 第9部分:梯形铸铁环

Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 9: Keystone rings made of cast iron

GB/T 4889-2008

数据的统计处理和解释 正态分布均值和方差的估计与检验

Statistical interpretation of data - Techniques of estimation and tests relating to means and variances

Number of entries (Data is updated on a monthly basis): 44717
Weiter Weiter| 44511 - 44520 | 44521 - 44530|44531 - 44540 |Weiter Weiter