
Number of entries (Data is updated on a monthly basis): 44717
Weiter Weiter| 44151 - 44160 | 44161 - 44170|44171 - 44180 |Weiter Weiter

GB/T 13404-2008


Non-metallic PTFE envelope gaskets for pipe flanges

GB/T 5107-2008

气焊设备 焊接、切割和相关工艺设备用软管接头

Gas welding equipment - Hose connections for equipment for welding, cutting and allied processes

GB/T 3148-2008


Bleached reed pulp

GB 15146.3-2008

反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全 第3部分:易裂变材料贮存的核临界安全要求

Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors - Part 3: Requirements for nuclear criticality safety in the storage of fissile materials

GB 19160-2008

包装容器 危险品包装用塑料罐

Packing containers - Plastic jerrican for packages of dangerous goods

GB/T 458-2008


Paper and board - Determination of air permeance

GB/T 14187-2008

包装容器 纸桶

Packing containers - Fibre drum

GB/T 12671-2008


Polystyrene (PS) resin

GB/T 18957-2008

地理标志产品 洞庭(山)碧螺春茶

Product of geographical indication - Dongting (mountain) biluochun tea

GB/T 10447-2008

滑动轴承 半圆止推垫圈 要素和公差

Plain bearings - Pressed bimetallic half thrust washers - Features and tolerances

Number of entries (Data is updated on a monthly basis): 44717
Weiter Weiter| 44151 - 44160 | 44161 - 44170|44171 - 44180 |Weiter Weiter