
Number of entries (Data is updated on a monthly basis): 44717
Weiter Weiter| 44001 - 44010 | 44011 - 44020|44021 - 44030 |Weiter Weiter

GB/T 11451-1989


Flexible waveguide assembly performance

GB/T 18951-2003

橡胶配合剂 氧化锌 试验方法

Rubber compounding ingredients--Zinc oxide--Test methods

GB/T 22514-2008


Rapeseed meal

GB/T 22467.1-2008

防伪材料通用技术条件 第1部分:防伪纸

Universal technical requirements of anti-counterfeiting material - Part 1: Anti-counterfeiting paper

GB/T 22474-2008



GB/T 22541-2008

土工试验仪器 击实仪

Instrument for soil test - Compaction apparatus

GB/T 5296.2-2008

消费品使用说明 第2部分:家用和类似用途电器

Instructions for use of products of consumer interest - Part 2: Household and similar electrical appliances

GB 9706.21-2003

医用电气设备 第2部分:用于放射治疗与患者接触且具有电气连接辐射探测器的剂量计的安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment--Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of patient contact dosemeters used in radiotherapy with electrically connected radiation detectors

GB/T 587-2008


Marine bronze flanged stop valves

GB 11554-2008


Photometric characteristics of rear fog lamp for power-driven vehicles and their trailers

Number of entries (Data is updated on a monthly basis): 44717
Weiter Weiter| 44001 - 44010 | 44011 - 44020|44021 - 44030 |Weiter Weiter