
Number of entries (Data is updated on a monthly basis): 44717
Weiter Weiter| 21 - 30 | 31 - 40|41 - 50 |Weiter Weiter

GB/T 12916-2024


Specification for marine metallic propeller

GB/T 43466-2023

信息技术 学习、教育和培训 中小学生信息素养评价指南

Information technology—Learning, education and training—Evaluation guide for information literacy of primary and secondary school students

GB/T 43576-2023

口腔清洁护理用品 牙膏对去除外源性色斑效果的实验室测试方法

Oral care and cleaning products—Laboratory method of effect removal of extrinsic stain for toothpastes

GB/T 11856.2-2023

烈性酒质量要求 第2部分:白兰地

Quality requirements for spirits—Part 2: Brandy

GB/T 43583-2023

地理标志认定 产品分类与代码

Geographical indication—Classification and codes of products

GB/T 41771.7-2023

现场设备集成 第7部分:通信设备

Field device integration—Part 7: Communication devices

GB/Z 41275.23-2023

航空电子过程管理 含无铅焊料航空航天及国防电子系统 第23部分:无铅及混装电子产品返工/修复指南

Process management for avionics—Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder—Part 23: Rework and repair guidance to address the implications of lead-free electronics and mixed assemblies

GB/T 43578-2023

信息安全技术 通用密码服务接口规范

Information security technology—Universal cryptography service interface specification

GB/Z 41275.4-2023

航空电子过程管理 含无铅焊料航空航天及国防电子系统 第4部分:球栅阵列植球

Process management for avionics—Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder—Part 4:Ball grid array(BGA)re-balling

GB/T 43577.1-2023

信息安全技术 电子发现 第1部分:概述和概念

Information security technology—Electronic discovery—Part 1: Overview and concepts

Number of entries (Data is updated on a monthly basis): 44717
Weiter Weiter| 21 - 30 | 31 - 40|41 - 50 |Weiter Weiter