Second electromobility report delivered

The second report of Germany's National Platform for Electromobility (NPE) has been delivered to Chancellor Angela Merkel; Standardization's role as a pillar of implementation at international level highlighted

(2011-05-16) One year after beginning its work, Germany's National Platform for Electromobility (NPE) has delivered a second report to Chancellor Merkel. Taking as a basis the first NPE report issued in November 2010, the current report contains recommendations for action to ensure that, during three main phases of development, Germany will become a leading provider and the lead electromobility market by 2020. The measures needed for the first phase "Market preparation" are estimated to involve four billion euros.

According to the recommendations, an intensive promotion of research and development has the highest priority. Suitable funding programmes must be set up taking this into account, and must ensure the networking of the various sectors involved, the "beacons of light", such as energy storage, drive technologies, IT technologies and infrastructure.

The significance of the framework conditions is also emphasized in the report. For instance, the development of an intelligent energy grid must be considered, as well as the training and qualification of specialists and managers. In accordance with the German Standardization Roadmap for Electromobility drawn up by the NPE in November 2010, the development of necessary international standards and specifications is essential for promoting national interests and strengthening international harmonization. For as the second NPE report states, standardization is an important pillar for the successful marketing of German products on international markets.

After the second report was handed over, the Chancellor discussed with high-ranking leaders from industry the progress of NPE's work since its inception, as well as the tasks facing Germany and the resulting need for action. One significant issue was the measures needed to achieve a leading position in electromobility. Emphasis was paid to the conclusion of international cooperation agreements towards this end, and it became clear that standardization plays an important role in this. Dr. Torsten Bahke, DIN Director, who had been invited to this Chancellor's round table, contributed towards answering this question and stressed DIN's international involvement in this connection.

In a joint press release with the Federal Ministries involved in the NPE's work (the Ministry of Economics and Technology; the Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs; the Ministry of Education and Research; and the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Energy), the Federal Government declared that the key to success does not lie in creating an incentive to buy, but in promoting research and development. Therefore, the Federal Government will issue its official electromobility government programme on 18 May 2011, which will serve to support the efforts by industry to achieve these aims.

The second report of National Platform for Electromobility (NPE) is available (in German) at the website of DIN's Electromobility Office.

Federal government's press release (in German)


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