
Number of entries (Data is updated on a monthly basis): 44134
Weiter Weiter| 36951 - 36960 | 36961 - 36970|36971 - 36980 |Weiter Weiter

GB/T 3820-1997


Determination of thickness of textiles and textile products

GB/T 4874-1985


Generic specification for fixed metallized paper dielectric capacitors for direct current

GB/T 4873-1985

信息处理用连续格式纸 尺寸和输送孔

Continuous forms used for information processing--Sizes and feed holes

GB/T 16533-1996


General specification for porous ceramic products

GB/T 3654.4-1983

铌铁化学分析方法 燃烧重量法测定碳量

Methods for chemical analysis of ferroniobium--The combustion gravimetric method for the determination of carbon content

GB/T 15502-1995

空气质量 苯胺类的测定 盐酸萘乙二胺分光光度法

Air quality--Determination of aniline--N-(1-naphthyl)ethylene diamine dihydrochloride spectrophotometric method

GB 4877-1985


Intermediate frequencies of television

GB/T 15189-1994


Specification of DOS Chinese information processing system interface

GB/T 16128-1995

居住区大气中二氧化硫卫生检验标准方法 甲醛溶液吸收-盐酸副玫瑰苯胺分光光度法

Standard method for hygienic examination of sulfur dioxide in air of residential areas--Formaldehyde solution sampling-pararosaniline hydrocloride spectrophotometric method

GB/T 5709-1997

纺织品 非织造布 术语


Number of entries (Data is updated on a monthly basis): 44134
Weiter Weiter| 36951 - 36960 | 36961 - 36970|36971 - 36980 |Weiter Weiter